Monday, May 24, 2010


Tomorrow is a big day for me!...My first Board of Directors Meeting!

No, I am not on the board of "Claire's Faire Vintage"...I just sweep the floors there...;)

Volunteerism is nothing new to me...but being on a Board of Directors is!!

I was asked about two months ago if I would be interested in interviewing with a non-profit organization in my local community, for a position on their Board of Directors.  After meeting with a few people on the board, I received word about 3 weeks ago that I was accepted...!  Wow, what an honor..

This organization is focused on helping the Seniors in our community stay in their homes and live independently for as long as possible.  We provide non medical assistance in a number of ways, making life easier and hopefully more enjoyable for the clients.

Our efforts are very simple, but seem to mean the world to the people we serve.  Errand running, friendly visiting, dinner deliveries, small home repairs, daily welfare calls are just of few of the services we provide.

We also do "respite relief" for caregivers who are taking care of a family member, giving the caregiver an opportunity to run out and do errands, or even something "frivilous" , like getting a manicure...;)

I was the caregiver to my mom before she died almost 3 years ago.  I know what it is like to get a little break during the day, and how grateful I was for those few hours I was able to do some shopping, or just to go upstairs to my bedroom and read a book, knowing my mom was taken care of.

So, I am passionate about this organization...!...and I am thrilled that I will have the opportunity to use my business background in sales and marketing tohelp them grow the organization and serve as many Seniors as possible.  My first meeting in on the Publicity Committee....I like that..!

So, I am taking the afternoon off from my Etsy shop.  I have some financial statements to look over and some notes to jot down about some of my suggestions. I need to switch gears from the frenzy of selling" to the serentiy of serving.

I do this all in honor of my mom, Rita Elizabeth, whom I miss every day of my life and who would be proud of not only of the Etsy shop, but of my service to the community.
My very cute mom, Rita


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