We have had a house guest this past week. My girlfriend went back to Cleveland to celebrate her sister's birthday. She is getting back in late tonight.
When she left, she told me what to feed Bella. 1 cup of dry dog food in the morning...and 1 cup of dry dog food at night. She said I could add a little broth or a little "piece" of whatever we were having for dinner.
Well, it didn't exactly go that way....how can you not give a little ham from your ham sandwich or beef from your French Dip...or a lot...with those eyes looking at you...head tilting from side to side...oh geez..
So, Sandy's husband called from Cleveland this week to check on Bella..."Is she going to be spoiled beyond repair"? he asked me....
I said.....
"Not beyond repair"....
We will miss you Bella....let's have a "Pup-peroni Fest" tonight...!!
sweet puppy!