Thursday, June 10, 2010

Trying To Find My Balance

Well, a lot of things have gone "to hell in a handbasket" since I started this Etsy shop.  I won't go into all of the things I have been ignoring, but I will tell you about my problem with eating....chocolate.... specifically...

I am addicted to THIS...!

My typical day goes like this....up at 5am or 5:30ish...turn on the coffee and head to my laptop.  After a cup of coffee or two, I am hooked to said laptop...check Etsy, check Twitter, check Facebook, check Blog...back to the Vintage Market Team Ning page
...back to my Etsy shop, and there it is.  I start the day off reading blogs, and then start to ease into listing more items in my shop.

Around mid morning I get a little hungry, but don't really want to take the time to actually I grab a few of these...

 The (horrible things) get me through a few more hours, until I start to get a little tired (imagine and head for the above WHITE CHOCOLATE...then I am a goner.

I will nibble on that Lindt here and there all afternoon, that and a fresh cup of coffee gets me through the afternoon...until it's time (darn....I have to drag myself away from the computer) to make dinner...:(

Last night dinner was a simple chicken and a huge healthy non fattening (except for the avocado) salad.  I could actually feel my body start to recouperate from the chocolate binge.  It felt good, and I knew then that I had to start getting back to my eating habits and in finding that "balance" that makes for a good and healty mental state.

I get so involved, and so focused.... that I forget about BALANCE...this is nothing new.  I pretty much have been this way all my life.  I don't know what it's like to read a book and use a bookmark.  Who needs one when all you really do is place the book pages down for a few minutes while you (get a cup of coffee or something) and then go right back to it??

Time for me to get back to normal...if I can.  Take a break from this computer, eat right, don't pout when I have to pay some attention to other parts of my life...don't make cooking dinner a chore..answer the phone when it know....that "normal" life stuff...;)
I am off to a good start...yesterday when I ran to the grocery store I did NOT buy Pringles, I did NOT buy Lindt Chocolate, and I am actually getting through the day pretty well here so far.....

it is only 8:24am...

Have a great day!


  1. You are right! And I'm working the whole "balance" game. Everything feels better, even the good stuff and frustrations of the work, when we take care of ourselves, too. I've made a point to work out every day this week, eat well, and get DRESSED, even with shoes! I feel better, and not so overly invested in stuff I cannot control, like whether or not I make sales...take care of you, and eat a good breakfast every morning. YOU KNOW THAT, I don't have to tell you! But I did, so sorry if I'm bossing...

  2. Hey, it always is good to hear that positive reinforcement.."just do it"..and I don't mind you telling me that at all.

    I just need to listen to you and to
