Thursday, July 1, 2010

The "Wiley Wagon" Has Launched

It has been an emotional few weeks for me, for a lot of reasons.  Everytime I think to write about it...the feelings wave over me again, and I have to stop.

I'll start with Wiley...

A few months ago we lost our friend "Wiley" to bone cancer, and I still get teary eyed whenever I think of him.  I miss him so much.
Wiley came to us 9 years ago.  My husband was out in an area called the Indian Bend Wash, which was located just a few hundred feet from our home at the time.  He was on one of his twice daily walks with our two dogs at the time....Jaeger and Gunnar, father and son amazing Dalmatians.

As he started on the walk, he was followed by a dog, all the way to their destination and all the way back home. Doggie just trotted behind hubby and Dals...and  came all the way home, and sat out in front of our house, looking in.  I won't go into all the details of how this dog became ours...but he was meant to be.  We named him in "Wile E. Coyote"...because that is what he looked like, a poor under fed, skinny straggly coyote. That soon changed with some good food, a little grooming (what he would allow) and much love.

I can't tell you what this doggie meant to us.  He was with us though many hard times.  We lost three dogs total during the time we had Wiley. My mother passed away, my mother in law and father in law also passed away all in the matter of one year, just three years ago.  There was always Wiley to come home cry on, and to be there as a comfort.   .

When he became ill, my husband wanted a wagon that he could take out when he walked Wiley, in case Wiley became tired and had a hard time walking.  He finally found one that was sturdy, a garden wagon that he ordered online. 

He then cut wood to fit the inside, padded it and then upholstered it in material that would match.  It was a labor of love.

Well,  Wiley decided not to use walked every morning down to the park and back, even though at times slowly.  He did jump on it one time while it sat in our living room, but he did not use it to be transported home.  That did not matter to us...we wanted to do what we could for his comfort, and if he didn't need or want it...that was OK.

We lost Wiley in January of this year, and the wagon went into the garage.

A few weeks ago, my husband mentioned that he had called our vet's office to see if they could use the wagon.  He had seem them struggle with large dogs that were injured or recovering, trying to get them up on the stainless steel carts that they used, and they were happy to accept the gift of the wagon.

I, on the other had, burst into tears at the thought it leaving our house...don't ask me why...I am a baby, I am sappy and I am sentimental.  But honestly, that wagon was not meant to be used for anything's purpose was to help a dog, and that is exactly what it needed to do.
My only request to my husband was that it in some way have Wiley's name on it before he sent it off.

Last week there was another reason to take a ride to the vet's office...Poor stray injured cat came to off my husband went to the vet again.

When he came home he was somewhat teary eyed, and he told me this story.

The assistant at Power Road told my husband that a family had brought their dog in to the office and received some bad news about their pet.  They were not ready to let their dog go, but it was large and was having a hard time walking.  They asked the vet assistant if she had any idea of what they could do, as they wanted their dog to be able to go outside.

She replied..."As a matter of fact....."

Wiley.....the love keeps going on buddy..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mixing The Old With The New

I like stuff.  It may be the color, it may be the shape, sometimes it has function and sometimes not.  But that is OK.. I like cozy and warm and homey. It brings me pleasure to look at things and to serve food or snacks on lovely plates, cute bowls and sometimes odd things that are repurposed in an imaginative way.  I enjoy that.

For me...that amounts to mixing and matching, vintage and new, traditional and doesn't matter, as long as it looks good together.  More importantly, I want my guests to feel that some thought has gone into  the dinner or gathering, and that they are important enough to me to make the extra effort.

Last week we had two friends over for dinner.  It was simple fare, baby back ribs, pan fried potatoes, salad and a simple dessert.
It was casual and served at the kitchen table, and I wanted it to be festive. The only snacks before dinner was simple chips and salsa.  But the salsa went into a Waterford crystal bowl and the chips on a Vintage rectangular Anchor Hocking Star of David dish.

Granted, they are both glass/crystal, so there wasn't too much of an eclectic look to it.  But it does make me happy to see the old and newer side by side.  The crystal on the casual floral table cloth is perfectly OK with me as well....:).

The Star of David pattern by Anchor Hocking was made in the 1960's and 70's.  I love this pattern and it sure seems to sparkle on anything you place it on.

I do have a few pieces that will be listed in my shop soon, so keep an eye out!..These are perfect for the holidays, and pretty much everything will look even more special on one of these dishes, plates or bowls!

Anchor Hocking Star of David

Waterford Crystal
Vintage Wedgewood Midwinter Stoneware

The Wedgewood is Vintage, but the tablecloth is not.  It is Pier One circa a few years ago...but again, old and new can find happy homes together.
So take out the old, use the good stuff too, and make it fun!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Trying To Find My Balance

Well, a lot of things have gone "to hell in a handbasket" since I started this Etsy shop.  I won't go into all of the things I have been ignoring, but I will tell you about my problem with eating....chocolate.... specifically...

I am addicted to THIS...!

My typical day goes like this....up at 5am or 5:30ish...turn on the coffee and head to my laptop.  After a cup of coffee or two, I am hooked to said laptop...check Etsy, check Twitter, check Facebook, check Blog...back to the Vintage Market Team Ning page
...back to my Etsy shop, and there it is.  I start the day off reading blogs, and then start to ease into listing more items in my shop.

Around mid morning I get a little hungry, but don't really want to take the time to actually I grab a few of these...

 The (horrible things) get me through a few more hours, until I start to get a little tired (imagine and head for the above WHITE CHOCOLATE...then I am a goner.

I will nibble on that Lindt here and there all afternoon, that and a fresh cup of coffee gets me through the afternoon...until it's time (darn....I have to drag myself away from the computer) to make dinner...:(

Last night dinner was a simple chicken and a huge healthy non fattening (except for the avocado) salad.  I could actually feel my body start to recouperate from the chocolate binge.  It felt good, and I knew then that I had to start getting back to my eating habits and in finding that "balance" that makes for a good and healty mental state.

I get so involved, and so focused.... that I forget about BALANCE...this is nothing new.  I pretty much have been this way all my life.  I don't know what it's like to read a book and use a bookmark.  Who needs one when all you really do is place the book pages down for a few minutes while you (get a cup of coffee or something) and then go right back to it??

Time for me to get back to normal...if I can.  Take a break from this computer, eat right, don't pout when I have to pay some attention to other parts of my life...don't make cooking dinner a chore..answer the phone when it know....that "normal" life stuff...;)
I am off to a good start...yesterday when I ran to the grocery store I did NOT buy Pringles, I did NOT buy Lindt Chocolate, and I am actually getting through the day pretty well here so far.....

it is only 8:24am...

Have a great day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

110 In The Shade

Well, I don't know if any of you have been to Phoenix..or Arizona...and if you have been, you probably did not come in the summertime.  Starting about now it is becoming very warm...I think it will be 110 today and tomorrow is slowly creeping it's way up to the 115-118 range and it will be this way for the next four months or so. 

You can feel it and see it all around you, hot...dusty...brown...lawns, gardens are all starting to scorch up, not the prettiest time of year here.  What looked like this just a few short months ago....

Now looks like this...
My beautiful sunflowers were marched out of the yard today...:(

A few of them were saved to feed the birds, and they are ever-so-happy about it...
but for now, I will have to find my "green" somewhere else, it sure as heck won't be in my yard!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bye Bye Bella

We have had a house guest this past week.  My girlfriend went back to Cleveland to celebrate her sister's birthday.  She is getting back in late tonight.

When she left, she told me what to feed Bella.  1 cup of dry dog food in the morning...and 1 cup of dry dog food at night.  She said I could add a little broth or a little "piece" of whatever we were having for dinner.

Well, it didn't exactly go that can you not give a little ham from your ham sandwich or beef from your French Dip...or a lot...with those eyes looking at you...head tilting from side to side...oh geez..

So, Sandy's husband called from Cleveland this week to check on Bella..."Is she going to be spoiled beyond repair"? he asked me....


I said.....

"Not beyond repair"....

We will miss you Bella....let's have a "Pup-peroni Fest" tonight...!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Tomorrow is a big day for me!...My first Board of Directors Meeting!

No, I am not on the board of "Claire's Faire Vintage"...I just sweep the floors there...;)

Volunteerism is nothing new to me...but being on a Board of Directors is!!

I was asked about two months ago if I would be interested in interviewing with a non-profit organization in my local community, for a position on their Board of Directors.  After meeting with a few people on the board, I received word about 3 weeks ago that I was accepted...!  Wow, what an honor..

This organization is focused on helping the Seniors in our community stay in their homes and live independently for as long as possible.  We provide non medical assistance in a number of ways, making life easier and hopefully more enjoyable for the clients.

Our efforts are very simple, but seem to mean the world to the people we serve.  Errand running, friendly visiting, dinner deliveries, small home repairs, daily welfare calls are just of few of the services we provide.

We also do "respite relief" for caregivers who are taking care of a family member, giving the caregiver an opportunity to run out and do errands, or even something "frivilous" , like getting a manicure...;)

I was the caregiver to my mom before she died almost 3 years ago.  I know what it is like to get a little break during the day, and how grateful I was for those few hours I was able to do some shopping, or just to go upstairs to my bedroom and read a book, knowing my mom was taken care of.

So, I am passionate about this organization...!...and I am thrilled that I will have the opportunity to use my business background in sales and marketing tohelp them grow the organization and serve as many Seniors as possible.  My first meeting in on the Publicity Committee....I like that..!

So, I am taking the afternoon off from my Etsy shop.  I have some financial statements to look over and some notes to jot down about some of my suggestions. I need to switch gears from the frenzy of selling" to the serentiy of serving.

I do this all in honor of my mom, Rita Elizabeth, whom I miss every day of my life and who would be proud of not only of the Etsy shop, but of my service to the community.
My very cute mom, Rita


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Charmed By "Rolling Hills Vintage"

There are a lot of wonderful shops on Etsy, and certainly the Vintage Market Team is a reflection of the creativity and taste you will find in abundance.

I have started to get to know some of the shops and owners on the team, and I was charmed from the "git go" with one in particular.  The little crown on the birdie's head in her banner really got me smiling...maybe that's because birds are treated like royalty in my own backyard...;) 

I loved so many things in this shop, but one thing in particular looked like it needed to belong to me.

So over my first cup of coffee this morning...I click open Rolling Hills Vintage...but the little treasure was not there!

IT WAS SOLD!!!!...just like that....overnight...gone...flew the coop...

Well, I learned my lesson, yes I lose!....If you see something you love...DON'T WAIT to buy it.  If you think it is pretty special, chances are someone else does too!

Well, Rolling Hills Vintage.....I will just have to keep an eye on you to see if you find another one just like it. 

I could...just maybe.... find out who bought it....and make them a good offer...;)

Check out this wonderful shop and that cute little bird...

I'll head back over and see if there is something else that I "need"..:)

Thanks Anita..!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Secret Garden

It is coming up on 5 years that we moved into this house.  It was a newly built home with a large backyard full of nothing but dirt.

One corner of the yard was  designated for me, for a little retreat that I could go to and just sit and read and enjoy the flowers and the birdies, or as I usually do, just drink a cup of coffee.. These days I'm really using it to get away from my computer..!! We came to call it the Secret Garden even before my husband built it, and it has really grown over the last few years.

Just getting started..
Wiley watching over...

It sure is a beautiful spot.
A peaceful place for a break.
Twinkle lights and all.
Thank you Joe.
Thank you Wiley.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The last month and a half has been somewhat crazy.  Well....The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is what comes to mind actually..
The good, well....that is easy.  The good has been all the estate sale finds that I have come across...many pretty and much loved and worn possessions that must move on... it's a great feeling when you find things that you really love and can't wait to put in your shop!

The "bad" is the ever growing inventory that needs to find a place somewhere in this house!   Yes, I have the plastic bins, I have the lovely Ikea wardrobe with the pull out wire racks...but I have not found my "swing" yet.  I try working on it every day, and stick to one plan instead thinking there might be a "better way".  I know it will work out, but for today...well...

..just to give you an idea of what my day will be like today...and tomorrow..and...

I guess I better get busy....
Till later,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Beginning is a good place to start

Hello all,

I just thought I would catch you up on what has been going on in my life!
The month of April has been  a very active and exciting month, and to be honest....a bit exhausting.  But in a good way.

A little while back I started a shop on Etsy called "Claire's Faire Vintage".  I have been an Etsy "lurker" for a long while, not really buying anything or selling anything....just *looking* at everything!  Wow, there are a lot of talented shop owners there!! 

Etsy is an online marketplace for people selling handmade, vintage wares and supplies, art supplies I guess you would say.  Each member of Etsy has their own shop and their own style, so you can imagine the variety and the creativity that abounds there!

I set up this shop last August, but did not really do anything with it.  Poor little thing sat empty.  But not so now....Claire's Faire is inching it's way toward an inventory of 100 items..the bells and whistles should be going off some time tomorrow..:)

It has been a lot of work!..but I am really loving it.

But this is not just "selling stuff online" is really running your own business.  With this shop comes the responsibilities of handling your own sales and marketing efforts,  identifying your products and doing your own research.  You are your own photographer and stager... and do your own inventory.  You are your own accountant, and your own shipping and receiving department.
And after a good hard day's work, you sweep your own floor..(or just shut the door)...;)

I have some of the knowledge that will help me in this endevor, but I am ever reminded that sometimes.. I "know nothing".  I find myself asking questions, sometimes dumb ones, because I am unfamiliar with this culture called "Etsy".  But that is OK....I do not have much of an ego, I am not afraid to be the new kid on the block. Because this I *do* much as I need help right now, guidance and advice....I also have a lot to give, and I do "pay it forward".

So my friends, I hope you will join me on this journey..listen to some stories, indulge me in some ramblings and look at some pretty pictures.

...and please....when you have some time...stop in and visit some great shops at the Etsy community...~
