Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mixing The Old With The New

I like stuff.  It may be the color, it may be the shape, sometimes it has function and sometimes not.  But that is OK.. I like cozy and warm and homey. It brings me pleasure to look at things and to serve food or snacks on lovely plates, cute bowls and sometimes odd things that are repurposed in an imaginative way.  I enjoy that.

For me...that amounts to mixing and matching, vintage and new, traditional and doesn't matter, as long as it looks good together.  More importantly, I want my guests to feel that some thought has gone into  the dinner or gathering, and that they are important enough to me to make the extra effort.

Last week we had two friends over for dinner.  It was simple fare, baby back ribs, pan fried potatoes, salad and a simple dessert.
It was casual and served at the kitchen table, and I wanted it to be festive. The only snacks before dinner was simple chips and salsa.  But the salsa went into a Waterford crystal bowl and the chips on a Vintage rectangular Anchor Hocking Star of David dish.

Granted, they are both glass/crystal, so there wasn't too much of an eclectic look to it.  But it does make me happy to see the old and newer side by side.  The crystal on the casual floral table cloth is perfectly OK with me as well....:).

The Star of David pattern by Anchor Hocking was made in the 1960's and 70's.  I love this pattern and it sure seems to sparkle on anything you place it on.

I do have a few pieces that will be listed in my shop soon, so keep an eye out!..These are perfect for the holidays, and pretty much everything will look even more special on one of these dishes, plates or bowls!

Anchor Hocking Star of David

Waterford Crystal
Vintage Wedgewood Midwinter Stoneware

The Wedgewood is Vintage, but the tablecloth is not.  It is Pier One circa a few years ago...but again, old and new can find happy homes together.
So take out the old, use the good stuff too, and make it fun!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Trying To Find My Balance

Well, a lot of things have gone "to hell in a handbasket" since I started this Etsy shop.  I won't go into all of the things I have been ignoring, but I will tell you about my problem with eating....chocolate.... specifically...

I am addicted to THIS...!

My typical day goes like this....up at 5am or 5:30ish...turn on the coffee and head to my laptop.  After a cup of coffee or two, I am hooked to said laptop...check Etsy, check Twitter, check Facebook, check Blog...back to the Vintage Market Team Ning page
...back to my Etsy shop, and there it is.  I start the day off reading blogs, and then start to ease into listing more items in my shop.

Around mid morning I get a little hungry, but don't really want to take the time to actually I grab a few of these...

 The (horrible things) get me through a few more hours, until I start to get a little tired (imagine and head for the above WHITE CHOCOLATE...then I am a goner.

I will nibble on that Lindt here and there all afternoon, that and a fresh cup of coffee gets me through the afternoon...until it's time (darn....I have to drag myself away from the computer) to make dinner...:(

Last night dinner was a simple chicken and a huge healthy non fattening (except for the avocado) salad.  I could actually feel my body start to recouperate from the chocolate binge.  It felt good, and I knew then that I had to start getting back to my eating habits and in finding that "balance" that makes for a good and healty mental state.

I get so involved, and so focused.... that I forget about BALANCE...this is nothing new.  I pretty much have been this way all my life.  I don't know what it's like to read a book and use a bookmark.  Who needs one when all you really do is place the book pages down for a few minutes while you (get a cup of coffee or something) and then go right back to it??

Time for me to get back to normal...if I can.  Take a break from this computer, eat right, don't pout when I have to pay some attention to other parts of my life...don't make cooking dinner a chore..answer the phone when it know....that "normal" life stuff...;)
I am off to a good start...yesterday when I ran to the grocery store I did NOT buy Pringles, I did NOT buy Lindt Chocolate, and I am actually getting through the day pretty well here so far.....

it is only 8:24am...

Have a great day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

110 In The Shade

Well, I don't know if any of you have been to Phoenix..or Arizona...and if you have been, you probably did not come in the summertime.  Starting about now it is becoming very warm...I think it will be 110 today and tomorrow is slowly creeping it's way up to the 115-118 range and it will be this way for the next four months or so. 

You can feel it and see it all around you, hot...dusty...brown...lawns, gardens are all starting to scorch up, not the prettiest time of year here.  What looked like this just a few short months ago....

Now looks like this...
My beautiful sunflowers were marched out of the yard today...:(

A few of them were saved to feed the birds, and they are ever-so-happy about it...
but for now, I will have to find my "green" somewhere else, it sure as heck won't be in my yard!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bye Bye Bella

We have had a house guest this past week.  My girlfriend went back to Cleveland to celebrate her sister's birthday.  She is getting back in late tonight.

When she left, she told me what to feed Bella.  1 cup of dry dog food in the morning...and 1 cup of dry dog food at night.  She said I could add a little broth or a little "piece" of whatever we were having for dinner.

Well, it didn't exactly go that can you not give a little ham from your ham sandwich or beef from your French Dip...or a lot...with those eyes looking at you...head tilting from side to side...oh geez..

So, Sandy's husband called from Cleveland this week to check on Bella..."Is she going to be spoiled beyond repair"? he asked me....


I said.....

"Not beyond repair"....

We will miss you Bella....let's have a "Pup-peroni Fest" tonight...!!